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assassins, on this pacific neighborhood, this valiant garrison has stopped, dispersed and destroyed them, shewing them the most palpable deceplion of their criminal en terprize, and their odious and detestable conduct, the town became furiously alarmed and offered, with a noble ardor and holy zeal, to sacrifice themselves for the honor, decorum and inlegrit-y of the nation, rather than to succumb to such a paricidal enterprize. 3. Fellow Citizens-with your assistance this place is impregnable; you have anticipated, and even exceeded, my expectations: your enthusiasm has preceded my deliberations, presenting yourselves as worthy members of the Mexican nation, we may bid defiance with such heroic defenders to all the enemies that may present themselves. We will revenge the insult and the decorum of the nation, and in a short time a due chastisement awaits them. May the supreme government live-May the national integrity live. Santa Anna of Tamaulipas, Nov. 18, 1835. Gregory Gomez. A true copy from its original in Spanish, which I certify. Geo Fisher, Secretary. Quintana, 7th Dec. 1835. [1237) [HALL to AUSTIN]
China Grove Novr. 18th 1835
To Genl S F Austin Dear Sir _
Inclosed you will find my resignation as Adjt Insptr Genl You have my warmest thanks for this honor you so generously confered on me and be asured my dear Sir that nothing (but the conviction that it is no longer in my power to serve you) induces me to make a tender of my commission. It would be too great a sacrifice of my feelings to remain longer in the situation I hold in that army you will therefore I hope permit me to retire- at some future day I confidently flatter myself-that I can give you such reasons as will satisfy you that I am right in addopting the present course In the meantime you will please to consider me Your sincere and humble Friend Warren D. C. Hall N. B. I have done every thing in my power to promote the
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