promptly prosecuted, and every effort made upon my part to bri11g lhem to justice and a sense of their obligations and duties to the Government.
I have the honor to be, With great respect, Your obedient servant, John Forsyth, Jun.
Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of Stale.
[1236] [GOMEZ to PUBLIC)
Gregor~ Gomez Palomino, Military Commanqant of Sant~ Anna, of Tamauhpas. 1. Fellow Citizens - A war truly national is provoked by the most ferocious vandalism. The honor, decomm and integrity of the nation forces us to adopt all the effective means that the urgency of the case requires, until the supreme government, in due time, shall revenge the terrible and immense insult of the unfortunate nights of the 15th and 16th of the present month. My heart enjoys a jubilee in witnessing the valiant defenders, to say all the inhabitants of this city; the general noble indignation, the decision and patriotic enthusiasm, together with the warlike fury demonstrated by you in the moment of danger, are clear indications of the fate that awaits this handful of pirates, the most indecent vermin of our neighboring country; they effected a landing on our coast through the black perfidy of the garrison at the bar. 2. Fellow Citizens-this piratical invasion is a thousand Limes more odious lhan that of a Spanish one; it is the same faction that, in Texas, attacks the national integrity. They are headed by the proscribed unnatural Mexicans Antonio Mexia and Martin Peraza, the principal authors of this rebellion, and their atrocious and bloody conduct, since their arrival, most evidently manifests that which may be expected from their domination. Without the smallest notice of their view without any previous manifestation of the cause or molive that induced them, in the obscurity of the night, to make an unexpected attack, like unto
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