were mustered-A yager Rifle, Musket & brace of Pistols & Knife, should be their arms-use this as you may see fit-Let me hear from you soon and command me as you may deem best Liberty & Texas-our wives & sweethcarts- J W Fannin Jr
[1235) [FORSYTH to FORSYTH] District Attorney's Office
Mobile, Alabama, November 18, 1835. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 4th instant, upon the subject of the interference of , American citizens, within this district, in the "domestic dissensions" of Central America. There is no question in my mind but that the 6th section of the act of Congress approved April 20, 1818, entitled "An act in addition lo the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United Stales," &c. has been grossly violated, both in its letter and spirit, by many of the most respectable and influential citizens of this Slate and city. During my absence from the Slate in October last, several public meetings were held in this city for the avowed purpose of raising men and money to succor the insurgents of Texas; and a company of 30 men was actually equipped and despatched from this city, and are now in arms in Texas against the Government "de facto." I am at a loss to determine whether your instructions should be applied to the cases that have passed; whether they should be retrospectively obeyed; or whether this last proposition is not negatived by the concluding paragraph of your letter, which reads thus: "You are therefore earnestly enjoined, should this contest begin, lo be attentive to all movements of a hostile character against either party, &c.; and to prosecute, without discrimination, all violations of those laws of the United Slates which have been enacted for the preservation of peace," &c. In this stale of doubt, I respectfully request further instructions in regard lo the past offences against the law, and submit whether it would not be expedient to give notice within this district that offenders under this law would be prosecuted for the same. It is hardly necessary to add, that if any new case should arise under the law and treaty in question, the offenders shall be
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