Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

too, when found-I would like the command of this stati~n when taken, provided a military post be kept up here-Use me to the most advantage- JWF L[Addresscd:] J W Fannin 18th Nov 1835 Gen. Sam. Houston express. San Felipe

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[1234) [FANNIN lo HOUSTON]

In Camp 4 oclk. P..M. 18th Nov 1835 Dr Genl. Since writing the inclosed, I find the express will [not) start for an hour and I avail myself, to add a few more words-You ask my opinion with regard to falling back on Goliad & Gonzales-With the present force-and under the present discipline, and most of the prcsen t officers, & the panic already imbibed, touching a storm, &c I must admit it to be the safest course-I am truly loth to say so-as I have done more to prevent a retrogade step than any one in the army-but I should be doing my own sense & judgement & our common country & cause, manifest injustice to withhold my decided convictions on this movement-I must also say, that I am fully convinced that with 250 men, well chosen & properly drilled so as to rely upon each other that the place can be taken by storm, and not much loss to the party- I agree with you, if the cannon be waited for, it is useless to slay here-and I am fully convinced that before we can reach Guadalupe, Cos will be on his way lo the Interior-We have nearly consumed all the corn &c near here-and I would suggest the total distruction of the remainder, before leaving, and in this way, the enimy will be as badly whipped, as we can hope to do by arms-Col. Ugartechea is now out towards the Lorado, with 200 men, to escort in a convoy & 300 convicts, who are tied &c & coming on-If we can take him, the place will forthwith surrender-Parties are now out for that purpose, & I hope some good may be done-Bring on Col. Gonzales, who may do much good here in disaffecting the Cavalry. Do urge the "Regular Army," organization-& if I can be brought in, & allow me to bring in some U. S. officers, graduat<'s of West Point, I can form as good a force for the number, 11s ever


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