not time lo consult my friends-or the wishes of the Army, so as lo give you a decided answer-or make such other suggestions, as the case & circumstances require I musl be permited to say that, yr opinion touching the relrogade movement on Gonzales, would meet with but Iittie opposition-But I am clearly of the opinion, that we can soon reduce them-or take them by storm-but I will also say, I fear much from the depressed feelings & ardour of the men- Whatever! you think best for the common cause, execute & that boldly & decissively-Few councils of war- With regard to my acceptance, I would prefer a command in the line, if I could be actively engaged-But I do nol know how or in what manner the Army will be organized-Having Elected one l\ilaj Gen.-Will they not also make two Brig Genis? If so, would not my claims by equal to any other? If I can gel eilher-1 would prefer it-and I respectfully request your influence for one-otherwise I will accept of Lhe appointment you tender me, provided I can have furlough, to bring on my family, in case I am not required in the field- My Dr Gen-I can safely affirm to you and my god, that I am regardless of rank in this army, provided we can accomplish our object-But I am well satisfied, that I can fill either of the posts, better than any officer, who has yet been in Command- Entertaining this opinion, I will at least tender my services, and others succeed over me by intrigue, in place of either service or merit, the fault will not be mine Write to T. F. McKinney of Velasco, Lo send you my Mililary Books, which came out in the San Felipe.-The Rules & Regulations are among them- Accept my assurances &c. J.W. Fannin Jr p S. If a 'Regular Army' be organized, I would gladly receive some honorable appointment in it-and can be of more service in that way, than in any other- I have nol time lo give my views as lo the "modus opcrandi"-let it suffice, that I am wholy al the service of the country, and shall not quit camp lo seek office-but rather prefer the post of danger; where I may seek Ll_1e enemy & beat him
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