hard service, and from the circumstance of my party being so_far in advance-whilst the former entirely refused to obey the order lo proceed on the duty assigned Thus I was situated, when yrs of the 14th by Dn. Floris was recd. & by him was informed of Li. Yorks return, when I forthwith look up the line of march for Head Quarters, not neglecting the object of the expidition, but with no better success than beforc-At Salinas rancho, I was informed that Col. Ugarlechca had left Bejar on the night of the 14th with 200 and proceeded on the upper route lo escort in a convoy & 300 Convicts, supposed to he al Lorado-This being confirmed at Madina, I felt bound to make a force march to camp, to apprize you of it, that a party with fresh horses, might be dispatchd after him and watch his motions, and if lo be found, secure this wily chief, and untiring enemy of Texas. I l is may be proper here, for me to inform you that I purchased & gave receipts from On. Jose Maria Solmas, Beef & Pork, lo the amt of Thirty Dollars, which was cheerfully accepted by him, with many assurances of personal regard for yourself, and good wishes lo the cause, and offers of such services, as he could _consistJy with his situation & private & domestic affairs, expected to render-He has promised lo watch, and make such confidential communications, as the service requires and that may be come at, through his friends in Bejar or by discovery to the west. In conclusion, allow me to call yr particular attention to the interception & capll1re of the party of Col. Ugarlechea. With sentiments of the highest consideration, I am,
as ever, Yrovtsevt. J.W. Fannin Jr.
In Camp before Bejar 18th Nov. 1835
Genl Huston
My Dr Sir Since writing to you and others this morning, yrs of the 13th inst-has been handed me- The Messenger is just going off, and I am bound to write tho, in haste, and thank you for the Lender made me of Inspector Gen. of the Army.-[ have
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