[12321 [FANNIN to AUSTIN)
Camp near Bejar Head Quarters Federal Army 18th Nov
Genl Stephen F. Austin
Dr Sir-I have just returned from an expidition as far west as Rio Frio, made in pursuance with yr orders of the 9th. inst- I have to report, that I proceeded on that day with sixty five men of my own company & Volunteers via, Col. Burlursons camp, where yr orders for ninety men were delivered & a promise made of marching foward early nexl day (10th) to join me thirty miles beyond the river Madina- On the night of the 9th I seperaled my command, in order to cover the Rio Grande & Lorade roads, giving the command of the party for the former, to my first Lieut. John Yorks,-with orders to proceed to Madina, & when joined by Col. Burlinsons party, to proceed west to the several watering places as far as thirty miles, keeping out the necessary advances & flank guards, in order to ascertain from the trails, if the expected convoy or re-inforcements had passed; and if any discovery should he made, communicate fortlnvith ,vith me, and if necessary the main army- The duty was performed-and no discovery made, when I marched to the Madina, and took measures, to have guarded the three main and almost only crossings on that river-whilst Lt. York performed the same duty above-Being again disappointed, and hearing from Capt. Travis, I marched on to the Atascosa, and about fifteen miles west of Salinas rancho, came across a trail, which we followd, up until near night, when we became satisfied that il was that of Capt Travis with his Horses-From here we again struck off for the Rio Frio, keeping out such parties, as to cover mosl of the country, which is passable, until we arrived at San Maguil, where the main body encamped most of the Horses being tired down-and a picket guard of six men, ordered forwd. to Rio Frio- At this point, I expected lo be joined by the party from Col. Burlinson camp-as well as that of Lt Yorks, bul the lasl were compelled Lo return lo camp, their Horses being worn down from
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