Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[ 1231) [BRYAN to PERR YJ

Camp Near the Mill (600 yds. from Bexar).Novcmber 18th 1835 Dear Father and Mother I this moment recd. yours of the 8 Ult. and am rejoiced to hear that you are all in good health and gelling along so well in the way of picking out Cotton etc. Joel has gone out in pursuit of Ugartechea who left the fort 5 or 6 days ago to meet a reinforcement which are comu1g on from Laredo. The force under Ugartechea is stated to amount lo between 1 and 2 hundred men. the company in persuit of him under the command of Col Burleson consists of 180 men: they will be back to day or tomorrow If they come a cross him they will be apt to take him if they doe, I think it will end the campaign There are about 6 hundred men in camp, a sufficient force to take Bexar if we had the necessary tools. It will be attacked in a day or two al all hazards as the corn is getting scarse and it seams that there is no hopes of the cannon coming soon. Grant and Viesca were on their way to Vera Cruz under an escort of 20 soldiers and instead of the Soldiers taking them to the place they were ordered they brought them to Texas, Grant is now here and Viesca has gone to San felipe We will have 100 men from La Bahia or Goliad in a day or two, The troops are all driven away from the Irish town on the Nueces a considerable battle took place in which 6 or 8 mexicans were killed and several wounded and the balance dispcrscd- N. B. Tlie reinforcement that is coming on consists of 60 soldiers and 300 convicts. I think we will be able lo take the 60 soldiers and untie the convicts Some days agoe I thought the army would be broke up as they were all tiard of wailing for the cannon and hearing no news from the colony and desertion more or less every day: but now every body is in good spirits and reinforce- ments expected etc Grant brings news that the federal party is gaining ground in the interior. Bexar must foll in a few dayg or it will not fall at all Uncle is heller and Liard enough of commanding militia I will write by the next chance if any thing occurs, We have skirmishes every day ~I. A. Brvan lAddressed: I Mr James. F. Perry Peach Point. Texas ·

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