pronto qe. sea posible-Hay algunos desertores y vecinos qe. se han juntado, con nosotros, quien se incorporaran con V. a su llegacla. [S.F. Austin] (12261 [AUSTIN to PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT] Head Quarters Nov. 18, 1835. I have recd. an official letter from Govr. Viesca informing me of his escape from prison, arrival in Texas, and bad reception he met with from Cap. Dimmit. The alcalde of Goliad and many others complain of Dimmit, and I have ordered him to deliver the command of Fort Goliad to Cap. Geo. M. Collingsworth. I particularly recommend gov. Viesca and Col. Gonzales to the attention of the executive Govt. I have invited the latter to this camp with his men. If he was here 1 have no doubt he could draw over two companies at least of cavalry now in Bexar as he once commanded them. It was his inten(ion to have come here from Goliad but was so confounded and discouraged by the reception he met with from Capt. Dimmit that he became discouraged and concluded to hault as I am informed al James Kerrs on Labacca until he heard from me. I have sent an express to him to that place inviting him to the camp. Should he have gone to San Felipe I request that you will invite him to join this army Yours Respectfully S.F. Austin To the Provisional Govt. of Texas. (1227] [AUSTIN to PROVISIONAL EXECUTIVE] Head Quarters above Bexar Nov. 18, 1835 3 O'clock P.M. Since writing my communication of this date (12 o'clock) I recd. those of Lhe convention informing the army of Lhe provisional organization of an executive au thori !Y . and council-and of my appointment to the U.S. as a comm1ss1oner, and requesting my personal services at San Felipe without delay• As I have just recd. this intelligence, I can only say that I am ready at all times to serve Texas in any station where it is considered I
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