Head Quarters above 81'xar Nov. 18, 18;{5
To Cap. Geo. M. Collinsworth
I have this day issued the following ordl'r lo Capt. P. Dimmit (hert' by order) In complyancc with this order you will on n~cepl of this lake command of Goliad, St"11d fur the citizens and Alcalde and inform them if they have been iltn~ated it was contrary to my orders. I wish all the troops that can be spared from there to march lo this place. In fact I do not think it important lo retain a garrison there al present a11d the place might be left in charge of Mr. Powers and the civil authority or some other person of your confidence. Goel and Liberty
S. F. Austin
[1223] [AUSTIN to DIMITT)
Head Quarters above Bexar Nov, 18, 1835
To Cap. Felipe Dimmit
On recept of this you will deliver to Capt. Geo. M. Collinsworth the command of that fort and town. J regret to say that I am compelled lo adopt this measure, owing lo complaints made Ly Gov. Viesca and also by the Acting Alcalde of that place and other sources. These complaints show that great harshness has bt'.en used towards the inhabitants of Goliad. This conduct is the reverse of what I had expected and had ordered and is well calculated lo injure the cause we are engaged in Col. Gon:1.alcs did not come here, as I am informed owing lo the reception of Gov. Viesca a11d himself met with al Goliad. This officer would have been very useful! here, for then· is Lui little doubt he could have drawn nearly all the cavalry 0111 uf Bc·xar. God and liberty- S. F Aui;li11
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