Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[1219] [GARNER to AUSTIN]

Camp above Bexar Novr 17th 1835 To Genl S F Austin. Commander in Chief of the army of Texas Having arrived at this place on yesterday with nineteen men. I by leave hereby to report myself and company to you, and to be considered as attached permanently to your army- Enclosed is the list of the names of the members of my company- Capt. D. Garner [12201 [ROTH to COMMITTEE) Received from the Chairman of the Committee of Vigilance and Safely of this place the sum of One Hundred DoUars for the expenses of my company on the road to the Head Quarters of the Army. Nacogdoches 17th Novr 1835 $100.00 J. Roth


Head Quarters before Bexar Nov. 18, 1835, 12 o'clock.

To the President of the General consultation of Texas

In my last I communicated the taking of a cavaJlarda of 300 horses by a detachment under the command of Cap. W.B. Travis. I now enclose his detailed report, and beg leave to recommend the services of Cap. Travis and the men who composed his party On the 9th instant I recd information which was entitled to attention, that a reinforcement was on the road from Laredo to join Genl. Cos. I immediately ordered Capt. Fannin to Lake command of sixty five men from the encampment at the Mission of Concepcion, which were to have been joined by an equal number from the encampment above Bexar, and lo proceed on the


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