Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

carefully guarded against and prevented. The gcnl. order of yesterday positively prohibits any one from killinu a beef without special order from the Quarter master. You will se~ that this order is attended to, and also that no more beeves arc killed than are needed day ly for use, a11d that there is no waste. You will apply to Lhe adjl. Genl. in writing for the details of men, needed to gather c~rn, or for other purposes. I rely on your zeal and activity to discharge your duty promptly and dilligently. The men who are detailed by the captains of companies to bring in corn un till it can be hauled will go to the fields on the east side of the river, and will not touch any of the corn on the west side.

S. F. Austin

[ 12181 [AUSTIN ORDER]

Head Quarters 17th Novr 1835

On the 14th of Novr. two deserters came in, one of cavalry and one of infantry to the camp al concepcion, and on the 15 and 16 one artillery man and two cavalry deserted to the mill station above town. They report that desertions are frequent, and that the soldiers are getting more and more discouraged every day-that the fortifications are very strong and well arranged-that Col Ugarlechea left Bexar in the night of the 14 with 100 cavalry, supposed by some to recover the cavallarda taken by Travis. Others said his object was lo join the expected reinforcements an.cl convoy, and that he took 100 muskets with him on packs. The only thing in which all the reports agree is that he did go out on the night of the 14th with upwards of 100 men. Since the 14, no parties of the enemy have been seen beyond the reach of the cannon on the walls. Scouts from our army went round Bexar every day. On the 16 at night Capt. Travis returned to camp having dispatched the captmed cavallarda to Gonzales under the charge of John R._Foster-he brought in six horses and 4 prisoners-the h 0 orscs were sold at auction by the Quarter master. S. F. Austin


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