Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


[Samuel May Williams to Daniel Jackson, November 16, 1835, informing the "Committee for the Relief of the People of Texas" of New York, New York, that Edward H. Stanley had been authorized to settle two hundred families in Texas (i. e., volunteers), and suggesting that the committee grant $2000 to $2500 for "facili- tating the transportation of said families to Texas."] (1216] [------ to EDITOR]

Montgomery, Alabama Nov. 16, 1835

[To the editor of an eastern print:]

Many of the young men who came to this state from New Hampshire with the design of settling here, are moved by the martial sounds in Texas. Some have departed, and others are preparing to join the standard of the settlers. You have the opinion of the best informed here, when I say thjs business will stop :10thing short of the conquest of Mexico! I see this is yours too. lt may be hazardous; but no enterprise ever held out stronger encouragement to the unbounded spirit of adventure which distinguishes the Yankee character, than this. [Unsigned) [1217] [AUSTIN to JACK]

Head Quarters above Bexar Nov. 171835

To Patrick C. Jack Quarter Master,

You will immediately take cahrge of all the wagons and oxen-ascertain what drivers are employed on wages and at what price and by whom employed-employ other drivers of well known fidelity on wages, if necessary and see that they take proper care of the oxen and do their du Ly. You will proceed immediately to have the corn gathered and hauled in and prevent all waste and see that it is regularly issued in rations agreeably lo the gen!. order of yesterday. You will at once perceive the great importance of this measure and that all waste of corn or of beef be

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