the road within five Leagues; & thinking it not prudent lo attack them in the night, (as I understood they were 20 strong) & we would thereby lose the advantage of our superior markmanships; & fearing that the cavallada might stampede & be lost, I encamped for the night without waler & without shelter from the cold or rain which was failing upon us. on the morning of the 10th, al day break l marched to attack the enemy with all speed. I found them encamped in the very advantageous position amidst some oaks on the west bank of the San Miguel about 70 mile from St. Antonio; & seeing two of their men out collecting the horses, I ordered my men, to charge into their camp on horse back, with a view to divide them as I supposed their force to he superior in numbers lo our own. I acordingly rode up to their encampment al the head of my men al a full gallop, took them completely by surprise & they surrendered with out the fire of a gun. Two of them escaped-we look five pi;isoners, six muskets, two swords & 300 head of gentle spanish horses including ten mules. Having dispatched a courier to advise you of the capture, I had the horses &c, collected immediately, & started with them & the prisoners lo a point on the St. Antonio river about 35 miles below Bexar, where I arrived safely with them on the 4th day after I left the San l\liguel. From thence agreeably to your superior orders I sent the cavallacla under convoy of six faithful men to Gonzales, where they will probably arrive lo-morrow. I have nothing further to add, than that during ten days of arduous service, my men have had to mount guard every night, & to be on fatiguing duty during the day, without any other food than meat without salt; & that most of them have conducted themselves with a heroism & firmness worthy of the great cause of liberty in which they are engaged, & the satisfaction they enjoy of having rendered some servt'ce to their country, more than compensates them for the fatigues & privations they have undergone in a bleak wilderness, amidst cold & rain. I have the honor lo remain your excellency's obt. sert. W. Barret Travis To Genl. S.F. Austin
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