Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

situation to become what the God of Nature designed her to be, a land of Liberty and of Laws-of agriculture and of commerce,-the pride and support of our lives, and a legacy of price unspeakable to posterity.

Henry Smith.

San Felipe, 16th Nov., 1835.

(1214 J [TRAVIS to AUSTIN)

Camp at the Mill Station near Bexar Novr. 16th 1835 Sir: Having returned late last night with the detachment under my command, from an expedition to the waters of the Rio Frio, & being required by your Excellency, to make a report of my proceedings during my absense, I have the honor to state. That on the evening of the 5th Inst. I left the camp at head Quarters, as a volunteer under the command of Capt. Briscoe, who had been despatched on a scouting expedition to the wesh,•ard of San Antonio. On the third day after Capt. B. set out, he concluded to return to camp, from the Laredo crossing of the Medina. Feeling satisfied that much good might be done to the service by a detachment's going farther west on the Laredo road, I porposed to take command of a small detachment of 12 men, who volunteerd to go with me upon such an expedition. r accordingly set out on Sunday the 8th Inst. & camped at Salinas's Ranch, on the Atascasos on the first night. On the next day, I took up the line of march towards Laredo, and after having travelled about five miles, I discovered the trail of the public cavallada, which had been sent off from Bexar, about 8 days before. Having pursued the trail for several miles, along the Laredo road, we came to where the party with the cavallada had encamped about two days before, after which the trail became much fresher, & we pursued with renewed confidnce of success, at a brisk pace until we arrived at the Macho, about 50 miles from San Antonio, where the soldiers with the horses had evidently encamped the night before. I then made the best disposition I could, of the small force I had, to attack them wherever I should find them, & pursued them with great caution until after night, when being informed by my guides that we were within two or three miles of San Miguel creek, al which they must have encamped with the cavallada, as there was no other water on


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