Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

9. I would also recommend the establishment of a Tariff and the app_ointment of Revenue Officers to collect imposts and tonnage du lies; also a collector for the purpose of collecting all sums due the government on lands or other sources. l 0. I would now call your attention to the Post-Office Department, and would recommend the appointment of a Postmaster General-the appointment made by the previous Council I highly approve, and trust under your care that this department will flourish and extend its benefits to every section of our country. I further recommend an express department to continue during the war. 11. No time should be lost in the organization of the militia, nor in the local civil organization of the different jurisdictions of Texas, in conformity with the plan of the provisional organization of the government. 12. You will find it necessary to appoint a Treasurer and perhaps other officers which you may hereafter find requisite. 13. It will also become your duty to select some place as the seat of government, at which to hold your regular sittings during the continuance of the present form of government. In doing this you will throw aside all local partialities and prejudices, and fix on that point possessing most advantages, and the best calculated to forward our views by giving promptness and energy to our united actions. I therefore deem it unnecessary to make further suggestions on that subject, and will only add, that a Council-Hall, together with other offices for the different departments of government, is indispensable. 14. I have now, gentlemen, touched upon all the matters of importance that have presented themselves to me,-doubtlcss many have escaped my observation which you will detect. I will, from time to time, present such other matters for your consideration as may occur to me. Again permit me to remind you of the necessity of acting with energy, boldness. and promptitude,-that the welfare of thousands depends upon your actions. Your country possesses immense resources if properly · developed; it is for you to quicken and enliven the energies of the bodly politic, and make Texas the Eden of America. I conclude, gentlemen, by expressing the hope that the Supreme ruler of Nations will smile upon your councils, and that, by our united efforts, we will be enabled to place Texas in a


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