but we can blockade all the ports of Mexico, and destroy her commerce, and annoy and harrass the enemy more in a few months, than by many years' war, carried on within our own limits. My own mind is satisfied that the whole of our maritime operations can be carried on by foreign capital and foreign enterprise. Already applications for commissions have been made; they are willing to Lake the hazard, as such afford them every encouragement. 5. Provisions have already been made for the organization of a corps of Rangers, and I conceive it highly important that you should place a bold, energetic and enterprising commander at their head. This corps well managed, will prove a safeguard to our hitherto unprotected frontier inhabitants, and prevent the depredations of those savage hordes that infest our borders. I conceive this very important at this moment, as it is known that the Mexican authorities have endeavored to engage them in a war with us. 6. Volunteers from foreign countries are daily reaching our shores and enlisting in our cause. These gallant and chivalrous men are actuated alone by the noblest motives; no sordid or mercenary considerations have induced them to leave their homes and share our fate. Let us then act with becoming generosity, and unasked give valor its reward. I recommend this not only that the world may know what are the inducements which Texas holds forth to the brave and enterprising; but in order that it may be now settled and not hereafter become the cause of dissatisfaction. 7. Some of our red brethren of the Cherokee, Shawnee and other of their associate bands, are located on certain lands within our limits, to which it is generally understood that they have a just and equitable title. They have lately been interrupted in their title by surveys and locations within the limits which they claim, which has created among them great dissatisfaction, I therefore recommend that you second the measures of the late Convention in this matter, and never desist until the objects contemplated by that body be carried into effect. 8. I recommend the employing of agents for foreign countries; that they be clothed with special powers, and that they be sent to different points, with a view of procuring for Texas all the aid and assistance that a generous and sympathizing world will bestow.
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