Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

the very beginning, ere one error is commiltecl, or an act performed, I call upon you to summon lo your assistance moral courage; to throw around you the impenetrable shield of honesty; to march onward in the pathway of duty, and undauntedly to ~eel the clangers and obstacles which chance or design may throw m your way. If we cower or sink beneath the task, shame and disgrace await us, and min irretrievable to our adopted country. Contemplate the task before you, the dangers to be encountered, and the obstacles to be removed or surmounted, and decline the task, or make a beginning with a fixed determination, faithfully and fearlessly to perform your duties. I thus take the liberty to admonish you, because no common du ties devolve upon you. You have to call system from chaos; to start the wheels of government, clogged and impeded as they are by conflicting interests, and by discordant materials. Without funds, without the munitions of war; with an army in the field contending against a powerful foe. These are the auspices under which we are forced to make a beginning. 2. Our country is now involved in war. O~ir foe is far superior to us in numbers and resources. Yet when I consider the stern materials of which our army is composed, the gallant and heroic men that are now in the field, I regard not the disparity of numbers, but am satisfied that we could puch our conquests even to the walls of Mexico. I earnestly recommend that you adopt the most prompt and energetic measures in behalf of the army; that you forthwith provide all the necessary munitions of war, so that the army may not be cramped or impeded by remissness on the part of the Government. And that you be careful to select agents of known skill and science to purchase artillery and other munitions. 3. Another important matter will require your immediate attention. Our seaports and frontier towns are unprotected, and exposed to the mercy of the enemy. The policy of having them well fortified must be obvious to all. I therefore recommend the organization of a Civil and Topographical Engineer Corps, and the commencement of the work of fortification and defence wilhoul delay. 4. I recommend the granting of Lellcrs of i\larque and Reprisal; by doing which we cannol only prevent invasion by sea,


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