Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

they may al this momcnl be flying to the woods for concealment, or writhing in the agony of indiscriminate massacre. It is our duty to protect these people. The security and the exemption of the eastern sclllements from the alarm & danger, attending lhe presence of an infuriate enemy demand it-the complete and speedy success of the cause in which we are all embarked, and which all have espoused, demands it-and a victorious lerminalion of the present campaign opened for the expulsion of the mercenary soldiery of a tyrant, and traitor to his country, imperatively call & plead for the prompt protection of this uncovered portion of our frontier. With a competent force, a few days more will serve lo close, and il is hoped gloriously close, the present campaign. All, are therefore, once more, confidently appealed to in the name of their country, to fly to ils frontier, and drive forever from ils border, a cruel, barbarous, and sanguinary foe. All Voluntecrs, attached to this command, and now absent on furlough, or parole, are ordered to return immediately lo this Fortress, whether the time aJlowed them has expired or not; as no leave of absence can supersede the emergency which now requires their presence in the field Major Collinsworth is instructed on sight, or information of this circular, lo purchase and forward, as soon as possible, to this Fortress, Fifty Barrels of Flour; and to hasten, by every means al his command, the arrival of the Clothing and ammunition, ordered through him. He will forward also, in addition to the former order, 1000 lbs of lead.

Yours Respectfully P. Dimitt Comg

Fortress of Goliad Nov. 16th. 1835.

[1211] [GARZA to RAMON]

[ Francisco de la Gar.ta to Idelfonso Ramon, Alcalde, Laredo, November 16, J.835, relaying the order of Captain Manuel Lafuente asking for quarters to Le prepared for the troops under Jose Juan Sanchez, who should arrive "day after tomorrow.")


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