[George M. Collinsworth, Goliad, to John H. Moore, November 16, 1835, requesting supplies and munitions for the troops under Dimitt at Goliad.] [1209] [COS to TORNEL] E. S. Nada ha ocurrido de imporlancia q. comunicar a V. E., pues los enemigos aun permanecen a una milla de esta Ciudad haciendo marchas y conlra-marchas sin obgeto conocido. Diariamenle acer- van su artilleria q. hta ahora no ha producido otro mal q. la perdida de un dragon, a quien hayer uno de sus tiros dio la muerte. Acepte V. E. las seguridades de mi constante aprecio y respeto. Dios y Livertad Bejar Noviembre 16. de 1835
Mtin. Perfto. de:: Cos.
E. S. Ministro de la Guerra y Marina
(1210] [DIMITT to PUBLIC]
To the Inhabitants of Texas east of the Guardeloupe, and to the Committees of Safety &c of the Towns of Matagorda, Columbia, Brazoria, Velasco & Quintana. Fellow Citiznes, You are again called upon by the return and reinforcement of the enemy on your frontier, to rally, embody, and chastise him. An express just arrived at this fort, and direct from San Patricio, announces a return of the enemy in considerable force, to the garrison of Le Panticlan. This movement places the friendly and well-disposed portion of the population of that Town, in momentary peril of life and liberl)'. The part they acted, during the presence among them, of the Volunteers who composed the late expedition to that garrison, will be made the pretext for siezing them, and inflicting penalties the most rigorous-sufferings the most intense. Too weak to oppose successful resistance, and unprovided with the means of retiring to less exposed settlements,
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