companies who bring it in in rations of nol more than one peck per horse. The Captains will Lake special care that their men do nol feed on Lhe gounds which produces great waste, but that they feed on a blanket or skin, or in a small bag hung below the horses mouth. It is particularly enjoined on all the officers lo allend especially to this order and to prevent all waste or lavish use of corn-other ways our stock will soon be exaustcd. The men which Lhe Captains of companies are ordered lo detail for Lhe purpose of gelling corn, will report themselves to the Quarter master evry day at six oclock in the morning
S.F. Austin
[ 12071 [BLACHE to FORSYTH]
Department of Stale New Orleans, November 16, 1835 SlR: I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 27th ultimo, touching certain demonstrations in New Orleans on the subject of J\lexican affairs. No official information of attempts of the kind alluded to having been given at this office, and such offences being cognizable by the tribunals of the United States, the authorities of the General Government could probably exert a more efficient · action in repressing them. With the view, however, of co-operating in the maintenance of the laws, Lhe Governor has issued a proclamation, inserted in the "Bee," of which a number is herewith forwarded lo the Department. I have the honor to be, with great respect, Your obedient servant, Martin Blache, Secretary of State The Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State.
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