Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[1205) [AUSTIN ORDERJ General Orders

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Head Quarters. Mill Station above Bexar 16th Novr 1835 The Captain or commandant of each company is particularly and positively ordered to prevent any of the men of their respective companie~ from shooting in the lines or out of them without permission and to send to the guard fire any person who violates this order, and also to prevent gambling or any noisy or disorderly conduct in their companies in compliance with the general orders on this subject. The said captains or commandants are also ordered to direct their men to tie up and secure their horses evry night as information has been given that small parties have been organized in Bexar to go out on foot evry night and steal them. Should the men lose their horses after receiving this caution it will be their own faults ' It is positively prohibited that any person kill a beef exc~pt by special order of the Quarter Master.

By order S. F. Austin

F. W. Johnson Adjt. and Inspct. Gen. ,.

(1206) [AUSTIN ORDER] General Orders

Head Quarters Mill Station above Bexar 16th Novr 1835 The public service and the welfare of-.evry individual in the army requires that all our resources and especially the corn should be economized and saved as much as possible. It is therefore ordered that the corn shall be gathered and hawled into camp and regularly issued in rations by the Quater Master until the corn can be hawled in. The captains of each company will detail a sufficient number of men from their respective Companies to bring in corn under the direction of the Quater Master who will issue it lo the


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