Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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pounder the former belonged to l\'lessrs McMullon and McGlowcn of San Patricia and was Laken from them by force, We remained in quiet possession of the town untill 3 o Clock P.M. on the 4th preperations ware made lo recross the river al Lhe cro.ssing immediately in the neighborhood of the town as soon as the troops were put in motion seven or eighL of the enemy apeared in view watching our movements we proceeded immediately lo cross the river leaving six men on the high ground to waLch Lhe enemy and after passing about half of our men over the river in a Canoe the only means of crossing and most of the Horses were drove over word was then sent down to the river thaL the enemy was comeing down with all their force to attack us seventy three in number we met them with our little force on the top of the bank skirted with some timber which we took advantage of, the enemy came up in front and made a move from their centre around our flanks on the river leaving a few men under cover of a mole in front the enemy on our right flank dismounted and took the advantage of the timber led on by nine of the Irish of San Patricia three of which were wounded vix the J.µdge, Alcalde, and Sheriff The action lasted Lhirly two minuels when they retreated leaving us in possession of the ground which we reconnelered and brought off eighL of their Horses and one of their wounded viz the Alcalde as above mentioned From the best information we could obtain there were 28 killed wounded and missing of the enemy Lieut. .Marcellino Garcia was mortally wounded and died the 2d day after Lhe action. We had but one man injured Sergt. Bracken who had three fingers shot off from his right hand and the other fractured with the same ball. I had previously sent Lo San Patricia for a team to move the Artillery the 4 pounder was put across the river previous to the action but in consequence of a heavy shower of rain and cold wind from the north, the men were verry much chilled and night approaching and no Learn comeing I together with CapL. Kerr John J. Linn & James Power who rendered me signal service advised the propriety of throwing the Artillery in the river and it was accordingly done. The men all foughL bravely and those 011 the opposite bank of the river were enabled lo opperale on Lhe flanks of the enemy above and below the crossing which they did with fine effect. Jra Westover Adjt.



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