presenl I will have your Negroes collecled and as soon as you write me will do as you desire- Your Pauls and Coal 1 fear I cannot find in this place, but will try this evening If I cannot find any I will send you a stout suil lmmedialcly from Matagorda. Your Orders will be at all times altended lo with Pleasure I Remain truly your friend R.R. Royall [ J 203 l [WESTOVER Lo HOUSTON]
Goliad Nov. 15th 1835
Genl. Sarni. Houston Sir.
In obedience to the order of Capt. P. Dimitt of the 31st of October to put myself at the head of thirty men and take up the line of march for the Garrison of Le Panteclan at the Nueces, attack, and if possible reduce it. I proceeded by way of lhe Mission of Refugio and my numbers were increased on leaving Goliad and al the mission by volunteers lo the numhcr of forty four. Our rout was below the usual roads to our destined place of operations. In the Neighborhood of San Patricia we learned that the major part of the enemy al the above named post were oul in persuil of us. In consequence of this information we pushed by forced marches for the Garrison and entered the place on the evening of the 3d about half an hour after sun down and after placing guards al the passes of the river Nueces two Guards of ten men each commanded by ~ieut. Noble and Sergt. Bracken were posted within seventy or eighty yards of the Fort under cover of some small huts wailing the order of attack, bul having taken James 0. Riley an Irishman in the fore part of the evening whom we supposed lo be aiding and assisting the enemy. He proffered lo go to lhe Fort and induce them lo surrender if we would protect him we therefore made use of him and the Fort surrendered al 11 0 clock on conditions of being set al liberty on parole and not lo take up arms against U8 durcing the war, twenty one men were in the Fort four of whom were prisoners five Irishmen and one Englishmen from San Patricia so,ne from choice and others from compulsion were assitoili11~ in keeping Garriso11, there were lwo peices of canon a four a11d a two
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