Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

cannon are on their way, probably now between there & Nacogdoches from Tennessee. hold on if you possibly can, as Pres. of the General Council, I do most solemnly assure you, & your brolher officers and soldiers, that every aid & support in my power :shall consi:antly be given: let not others win impcri:shable laureal, by your desolution, that you had abandoned, when almost within your grasp, if you cannot stay at your post but for a short lime, do so, but do not I intreat you expose yourselves and your contrary to shame, disgrace and perhaps ruin, by a precipitate retreat. Very soon, and perhaps ere this, Gen l\'larcia from New Orleans, will have attacked first, Tampico, and then return and fall upon Matamoras, where full arrangements are made, and thereby prevent any reinforcements from that quarter-No officer has yet been maue, in the regular Army, except the Commander in chief, as you know by the last express I wrote you. There are some office seekers here but they had much belter be in the field doing their duty, as their services are not wnated here nor do I think they will be benefitted by their stay. Do not think we slumber over your critical situation, we are & will do everything for you we can, Jet us often know your situalion & wants, that they may be amply provided for,

I ii

I am your obt. servt. James W. Robinson

Col. Thos. J. Rusk

[1202) [ROYALL to FANNIN]

San Felipe Novr. 15th 1835

Majr-Fannin Dear Sir.

Your Letter of Lhe 8th Inst is before me and for Reply. The Government here is now Organized and will in the morning proceed to appointments and lo business Generally. Henry Smith is Govnr. & Col. Robinson of Nacogdoches Lieu. Govnr. S.F. Austin-8.T. Archer-and W 1-1 Wharton agents to U. Slates. On tommorrow the Council will proceed to appoint officers Treasurcr-&c I am spoken off as Treasurer but decline if il can be filled otherwise satisfactorily. Bul as it is urged l suppose il will be lnedered lo me which my Interest in the country must



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