Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[752) [AUSTIN to------]

San Philipe, Oct. 5, 1835. There is a report just come which J rely on, that the Mexicans al Gonzales have been dcfcated, and forty killed besides wounded; no less on our side; the fight was in the woods. The enemy had cavalry. All goes on well. Upwarcls of one hundred leave here to-day, some from Trinity; fifty will go on to-morrow. I think there will be 800 on the frontier in a week. The enthusiasm increases daily; there are no peace-men, no parties here now - all arc war-men. I have remained here because it was thought that I would be of more service to unite opinions and hurry out men. I shall go to the frontier soon. The enemy must cross the Nuasus before the campaign ends. We will then organize a government for Texas. I recommend despatch in sending to the United Stales. Let them know how matters stand, and that the country is united and firm, and therefore invincible. Yours respectfully, S. F. Austin. A true copy of the original from Austin to the committee of vigilance and safety. ·

A. Hotchkiss, Chairman.

San Augustine, 13th Oct. 1835.

[753) [COS to AUSTIN]

Comandancia General E. lnspeccion De Los Estados lnternos De Oriente.

Sr. D. Estevan Austin-Goliad Octubre 5 de 1835. Muy Sor. mio. En mos antes de mi salida de Matams. escribi a V. dirigiendole mi communicacion a Monclova por que se me informo q. ayi se halleva, pero provablemente aquella carta padecio estravio.- Entences le decia y shora le repito que el E.S. Prccidente Dn. Miguel Barragan se sirvio recomendarme a V. deuna manera muy espreciva, para que lo atendiese en todo aquello en que tubiese por combeniente ocupar mi insuficicncia. Yo pongo con placer a disposicion de V. toda mi inutilidad. El mismo Sor. Ecsmo. me indica q. para todo cuanto sea neccsario tratar con rcspecto a Tejas cncontrare en V. un hombre de juicio y conocimicntos locales y al mismo ticmpo un buen


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