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than lo weeks. Now the Question is, will your men stay or will they not, or can you take the place without the Large Canon. If not then Lake time by the forelock and Retire in Order to Gonzales and fortify as you can if sufficient supplies in camp remain at Bexar. We have various accounts of much interest here, all of which being communicated to the commandant I will omit them here. You write me & Mr. Newell relative lo your ncgroes and the purchase of my land. I wish you to be more definite as If I sell I must have half the amt. in March or April next, either in cash or negroes this will be necessary as we don't know how long we may be detained in public service and in the mean time I must as well as you keep my negroes employed to an advantage. But any service I can render you in your absence will be done to the utmost. If you advise me to buy a place for you or anything else you may request it shall be promptly complyed with. But for the present I will have your negroes collected and as soon as you write me ,viii do as you want. Your Pants and coal I fear I can not find in this place, but will try this evening. lf I can not find any I will send you a stout suit Immediately from Matagorda. Your orders will be at all times attended to with Pleasure. I remain truly your friend,
f •
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B. R. Milam.
[1201) [ROBINSON to RUSK]
San Felipe de Austin Nov. 15. 1835.
Dr Col.
You will see by the accompaning documen ls, that the army are authorized to select any person to command them, the General Council do not wish to impose any person upon the army, nol agreeable to them; we are determined as a body to support the Army in their present position before San Antonio. there may be many reports in camp of our not supporting you vigorously, bul though some may want you lo fall back lo Goliad, Copano & Gonzalas, yet rest assured, the majority of this body are decidedly in favour of your keeping up the siege rigorously- From San Augustine we learn that 601 men with two 18 lb
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