[1200) [MILAM to FANNIN]
San Felipe, Nov. 15, 1835.
Major Fanning:
Dear Sir.-Your letter of the 8Lh inst, is before me and for reply. The government here is not organized and will in the morning proceed to appoinLments and Lo business generally. Henry Smith is Governor and Colonel Robinson, of Nacogdoches, Lieutenant Governor. S.F. Austin, B.T. Archer, and W.H. Wharlon, agenls to the United States. On tomorrow the Council will proceed to appoint officers, Tr_~asurer, etc. I am spoken of as Treasurer, but decline if it can be fiHed 9therwisc satisfactorily. But as it is urged I suppose it will be tenaered to me, which my interests in the country must pormpt me to accept. Where the Council will hold its sessions is yet undetermined. I believe it will be Washinglon or .Matagorda, probably the latter. The convention, however, will meel in Washinglon on Isl of March, if not sooner called. I shall go home on tomorrow, but will return if it is not determined on tomorrow that the Council removes to Matagorda. Your army certainly has been badly conducted. We have forwarded all things even to recruits so far as has been called for and several wagons have been dispatched which have not been called for and yet we are publicly complained of. If your commander or his staff could see 2 inches from their noses and order supplies in time the country has many men and all that is necessary, if system was pursued and timely application made. The Lime, however, of the Sitting of the Convention has produced some delay, bul I hope the same energy now on the organization of the Government will be Observed and you will have no room to complain of the attention to your calls in the future. Our Lieutenant Governor appears Lo be a man of Industry and correct ideas. I think as an Individual the troops ought not to leave Bexar if they can possibly help it, but If you can not, leave it in Good Order. When I go home I will cause a suitable number of Tents to be made and sent immediately to Copino or Dimills on La Vaca, and from that packed out lo Camps. If the 18 pound canon is al Malagorda it shall also be sent. But -you aught not lo look now for a suitable Quantity of Battering Canon & nail sooner ; ' 427
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