Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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3. A Congress null and void, and elected without the constitutional formalities in which the most criminal men in the Republic occupied seats, has overturned all the elements of order, has demoralized the sanctuary of the laws, and instead of sustaining the fundamental code, which they have sworn, at the time of entering upon the discharge of the du ties of their offices, to support, and cause to be supported, are the first ones to crouch to the ambitious views of the USURPER. 4. Those States which, like Zacatecas, have dared to raise their voice in favor of thier rights, have been invaded by brutal force; their most illustrious citizens have been put to death, their treasures and property robbed, and finally to their legal authorities have been substituted governments entirely military. The only one which has as yet not shared the same fate is that of "COAHUILA and TEXAS," in that part where the DICTATOR'S iron rod did not yet reach. 5. In TEXAS, liberty as yet is enjoyed, there the Federation is yet preserved; and the cause there sustained, at this time, is that of every MEXICAN, who loves his country and her institutions. The presnet ruling government of the country is there disavowed, because it is null in all its parts, arbitrary, treacherous, and finally usurping. 6. Being convinced that it is time lo put a barrier to the retrograding march of the Centralists, I have concluded to come, to lend you my support to avenge your offended rights. A small number of inhabitants of Texas accompany me, who, sympathizing with you, have left their homes, and are fighting for the common cause. 7. It now behooves you to make a suitable return for this generous service, by uniting with them and disdaining the perverse insinuations of those whose object is to deceive you, by giving them the coloring of being foreigners, who came to invade your country for other purposes than that which announce you. Their MOTTO is mine: "The Federal Constitution and a disavowal of all the acts of the usurping administration." This is what they defend, and this is the plan which your friend proposes to you. Jose Antonio Mexia. Geo Fisher, Sceretary. In camp at the bar of Tampico, 15th Nov. 1835.

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