Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[1198) [MEIGS to AUSTIN]

New York Nov 15 1835

My Dear Sir

I have just received your Letter of the 6 Oct. The passage relative to the Indians I have already sent lo Washington ( confidentially) Your name ,vas used last night at our Naval Establishment as the "Pass word" of the nigh l. I hear that Houston is placed in Military command- You will always be found of the utmost necessity to the cause and you will encourage the zeal, talent and valour which are so vital to your cause-wherever you may find it. God preserve you. (in great haste) mail closing

H. Meigs.

Co. Stephen F Austin.


I' I

Proclamation. The citizen Jose Antonio Mexia, Brigadier General of the Army of the Federal Republic, to his fellow countrymen. . 1. FELLOW CITIZENS-Banished the country more than a year since, by the atrocious perfidy of Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who, committing a treason towards his duties, has placed in triumph in the hands of the Ecclesiastico-military party. I have been observing from my retirement the heap of evils which has been preparing for you, and the intrigues and iniquities which have been put into action to destroy your liberty and to ruin your institutions. 2. It was obvious to the views of the servile party lo disorganize the principles lo gain their end, and for that purpose they directed their attacks against the sovereignties of the Stales, by dissolving their Legislatures, imprisoning their Governors and disarming their militia, which, al all Limes, was the bulwork of the liLcrlies of the country. The arbitrary power of force has usurpt'd the laws, and the caprice of the DICTATOR has ruled the destinies of the nation.


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