place for debarcation We abo gave to the New Orleans grays some muskets I hope this will be approved by you as the muskets were for the defence of the country & they seemed to he needed at that time in thal way & as it was impossible lo ask for permission to do so we have been compeled by the force of circumstances to use our own discretion in many things. You will please write me on the subject & express your approbation or disapprobation of the course we have taken & [ disposition we] have made of the arms. We are unable to learn authentically anything about the situation of the San Felipe we presume however very little expense will get her off & repair her & would it not be well to have this clone & have her put in service or return her paying what damage has [ been J sustained to the owners. Mr Bird Waller & others have had some Books & goods on board which were injured in fact lolaly lost & they seem to think we or the owners of the vessel should pay for them please say what you deem the proper course to be persued in this matter. The vessel sat stoed as tight as a large screw could press the Bales inside of her hull & it would have taken three or four clays to have unloaded her & we were anxious lo get out & attack the Mexican Vessel. J uclge Dinsmore issurecl lo William Eaton an order to take possession of the Columbus, San Felipe & the Steam Boat we were all willing lo be sure & recommended that course as the legal one to pursue owing to the Col[umbus] not having Ballast on board & want of men for both schooners she was not taken ou L damage has been sustained & please say where it must fall & who will have the burthen to bear these facts being settled all concerned will he satisfied the result be what it may. We regret to say the Columbus was unavoidably beached this morning having struck on the bar going out became ungovernable & after crossing the Bar could not be gotcn under way until she went on shore The [bar wasj unusualy high & fog had concealed [it! until we got into it The Laura barely escaped the danger after much difficulty however we got her back over the bar
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