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country, as, in his own opiniori, may render him useful to it, in the highest degree, of which he may be thought capable. Please excuse an intrusion prompted by a holy devotion lo the liberation. and accept assurances of the zeal with which I shall ever act, whether in the line or out, in hastening the clay that shall gloriously terminate the present struggle.
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With sentiments of high consideration, I remain, Sir, your excellency's most ohedient, and most devoted public Servant Ira Ingram
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Fort of Goliad Nov. 15-1835 (Addressed: J To Gen S.F. Austin Com. in Ch. of the Army
of the People Head Quarters
[ 1196]
Quintana 15th Nov. 1835
Dr Branch. T. Archer Dear Sir
I have forwarded a number of the arms which were purchased to be delivered to you They were not mounted as you directed because [it was) supposed that we were in a hurry for them & could have them mounted here The frequent alarms we have had here & the total want of arms induced me to give out to citizens here a number of the muskets We took a number on board the San Felipe & the committee of .Matagorda will probably take [ them I or at least a part of them to keep there for the defence of that place their situation is hopeless in the event of an attack for realy they have no arms whatever. The balance of the muskets we send to Columbia that they may be sent out but realy think from the presenl weather that La Bahia would be decidedly the best
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