here to day for Head Quarters. They appear to be animated with the enthusiasm of Patriot Soldiers, devoting themselves to the cause of liberty and of Texas; and they wish for an apportunity only to demonstrate to the world, the strenght and purity of the zeal they feel, in espousing a struggle for the freedom of their countrymen; a struggle imposed by acts of tyranny, and the ambition of their author. If any thing of importance should occur on this part of the frontier, you shall be informed by the first opportunity. I know not whether I am to remain here or not. I dispatched an express to H.Q. yesterday, and expect orders by its return. • I entertain serious apprehensions that, all Mexico will unite in the war against Texas. If I have not greatly misjudged, Texas is to stand alone; and if the result does not verify this opinion, I have no correct information concerning the political condition of the interior. I am very anxious to learn what stand the Convention will take; and what kind of organization they will give to the civil and military departments. You will see at San Felipe, in a few days, Citizen Augustin Viesca. On his arrival at this post, great exertions were made by some individuals, to procure his reception as Governor; but as I did not feel authorised to recognize him in that capacity, on my own responsibility, I ordered him recd. by the escort detailed to receive him, as a private Citizen. Those opposed to this course, immediately organized and made, by means of their tools, a bold attempt to raise an open mu tiny; but the brave volunleers under my command, met the opposition in a manner that does honour to themselves and the service in which they have already, again and again, distinguished their good and gallant behaviour. On this subject, and on others, connected with the service here, you will be apt to hear much. Hear all-and I know you will take every step, necessary, to do equal and exact justice to all. A caucus here, have sent delegates to your body-four of whom are non residents of this Municipality-and one, a non-resident of the State. I enclose to your care the copy of the proceedings of the
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