Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

therefore use it according to your besl judgment and to circumstan- ces. Should you obtain any certain and positive information of importance forward an express to me with it. You will return as soon as may be consistent ,vith the objects of the expedition. S. F. Austin 10 O'clock P. M. I have this moment -recd. a message from a weU known and very confidential friend who sent it by the ~lexic_an Badilla from Nacogdoches, who has just returned from Medina. The message is that no reinforcements are on this side of the Rio Grande and that none can possibly be on in less than ten days or two weeks, and doubtfuU whether they will come at aU. I send you Badilla and another Mexican as guides. The first will inform you who sent the message. I do not wish his name mentioned., This being the case Ugartechea's object is to intercept the cavallarda and Fannin and perhaps you can hear of him on Medina. I have given you all the· information on the subject I have recd. The only thing r.ertain is that Ugarlachca is out some where, and the probability is he went after Fannin and Travis. S. F. Austin Send to the rancho on the Leon and make inquiries [but] touch nothing there, they are friends. Peter is there. Also enquire at Navarros ranch on the upper Rio Grande road beyond Medina. All the reports except this one brought by Badilla say that the reinforcements are near. S. F. Austin [ 1194 l [DIMITT to MARTIN]

Fortress of Goliad Nov. 15th '35

To Capt. Wyly Marlin, My Dear Sir,

The present is the first opportunity of writing you which has offered since the occupation of this post, without sending my communication by an express, or neglecting urgent and indispensible duty. For local information concerning military occurrences in this quarter, I take much pleasure in refering you to Col. James Powers, member elect of the Convention of Texas, from the Mission & Municipality of Refugio. The "Volunteer Greys" from the City of N. Orleans, leave


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