possible dispatch to the Madina and send spies to all the crossings of the Rio Grande and Laredo roads a11d particularly to Paras' Ranch and also to Rodarigucs Ranch and should you hear any certain intelligence that Ugartachea has passed on in search of Fannin or Travis, you will use evry possible exertion to interce~t him and cut his party to pieces and to afford immediate aid to Fannin or Tra,1s in your power. The detachment of seventy men that was ordered out the day Fannin started met with a Foraging party of the enimy and turned back which unfortunately prevented their junction with Fannin which has left the force of the taller too weak for his exposed situation. You will therefore permit nothing to turn you back until you have made evry exertion to hear of Fannin or Trm1s and to afford them aid should they need it; if however you meet with a forageing or any other party of the enimy defeat them if in your power to do so, but do not permit this to stop you from going on to attend to the main objects of this expedition, which are to intercept reinforcements if any are coming on and to aid Fannin and Travis and cut off Ugartachea. I rely f1.11ly on the zeal patriotism and bravery of the officers and men composing your detachment for the most prompt and efficacious execution of the objects of this expedition. Your companions in arms under Fannin and Travis may be in iminent danger I wish you to fly to their assistance. Reinforcements may be coming on to cut them off [which] would decide the campaing. Glory and duty impell you to action and your country will reward your services. S. F. Austin Nine Oclock, P. M. I have the satisfaction to inform you that Capt. Travis has this moment arrived without accident ha,1ng secured the Cavyard by sending it beyond the Guadaloupe. He heard nothing of the enimy. Capt. Fannin proceeded on the Laredo road intending to go as far as Rio Frio. As there is no doubt from various sources of information that Ugartachea went out, the probability of intercepting or hearing of him at some point on the Madina is very great. I think it doubtful whether the forageing party will be sent to the Leon tomorrow owing to the whole army being united so near to that place. You can however make an effort to find them and cut them off should they be there. The absence of Ugartachea's party will probably prevent the enimy from sending out reinforce• ments. A party however will be ordered in the morning in that direction to prevent it should it be attempted. In an expediton of the description you are charged with_ a great deal must necessarily be left to your discretion you will
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