Head Quarters Nov 15th 1835 At Concepcion
To Col Burleson
Night before last Col Ugartachear left Bexar with one hundred and fifty men to meet [an J expected Convoy on the Rio Grande road. This Convoy must be intercepted. I have determined to dispatch the Acljtant Genl with two hundred men tonight. You will detail one hundred and twenty from your division and eighty will. be detailed from this to make up the two hundred. The detachment from your division will be al the dm}l as early in the afternoon as practicable to unite at that place with the other. They will draw rations for three days at least also direct the Qt. Master to send to the clam rations for the eighty men of this division who are to go. This movement must be very prompt and not a moment must be lost. Col. Johnson has orders lo make all the arrangements and lose no time. ·
S. F. Austin
Head Quarters 15th Nov 1835 Mill Station above Bexar
To Col Edwd. Burleson
You will take command of a detachment to consist of from one hundred to one hundred and thirty men which is destined to march to the Leon and Madina In order that you may have a full idea of the objects of this expedition I give you the following information which has been received- It is known positively that Col Ugartachea with a force of Cavalry of from one hundred lo two hundred men for the accounts vary as to number and it is probable he has not over one hundred and fifty left Bexar last night or the night before. The reports as to his destination are two, one is that he went the expected reinforcements, the other is that he has gone to try to recover the cavyard taken by Travis and to intercept Capt Fannin. This latter report is the most probable and the one to which f give the most credit. You will consequently march with all
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