Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

can in Brazoria, we will send such things as we can make out here for the Col but they are few and then will notify you of them Thos. F. McKinney If no persons are appointed to hold the elections they may have none and thus defeat us see this attended to and hold an election at all hazards. MCK we will send every thing in the way of bedding etc which the Col want provision such as we have have no rice shovel tongs and guns (Addressed:] Mr. James F. Perry Peach Point


Bexar 4 Oct 1835

Stephen F. Austin Esq My Worthy Friend,

I have just received your letter of the 15 ult. and am glad to learn your happy arrival at S Felipe; the more so, as I believe that your presence, and the direct influence, which as a good Mexican you should exercise in the affairs of Texas, will cause them to be managed with the skill and circumspection required by the present delicate circumstances, which have been rendered important by the excitements of the enemies of order, whose proceedings with which I believe you are well acquainted, have induced the supreme Government, who abounds in resources, to adopt measures fit to procure a permanent and firm peace in that interesting part of the Republic, without leaving unfinished- crimes and abominations. In the understanding therefore that you are well acquainted with the events that have happened previous to your arrival. I shall only give a sketch of the principal ones, that you may be convinced of the necessity and justice of the measures which have caused so much alarm and given rise to sinister interpretations. You cannot be ignorant of the outrage committed at Anahuac against the detachment placed there under the orders of Cap Antonio Tenorio, of which the force was so small as to be barely sufficient to fulfil its object of preventing the smuggling, which to the notorious prejudice of the national revenue and with such frequency was carrying on at Galveston measures which ought not to have caused the Colonist to entertain apprehensions of another nature. Neither can you be ignorant that when the State Legislature was dissolved, those who arc discontented with the


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