Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

cause is one Lhal merits the moral and physical aid of a free and magnammous people; and those who now slep forward, may confidently expect that Texas will reward their services. Thal distinguished and virtuous patriot, Don Lorenzo de Zavala, formerly governor of Lhe Stale of Mexico, and late minister to France, has jusl arrived from his residence on the San Jacinto, and is now here, at the house of the chairman of this Committee. He is a citizen of Texas, and enters fully and warmly into Lhe cause of the people. He also approves very much of the position they have taken against military despotism, and of Lhc circular of this committee of Lhc 19th ull. This Committee relics on you to forward copies of this communication lo San Augustin and Lhc other committees in that quarter, and also lo send the enclosed papers to some printer in the United Slates for publication, in order that the public may be generally informed of the present slate of affairs in Texas. An express has been sent to San Jacinto and Trinty. lt would, however, be important for that committee to communicate with the people of Trinity, and of Bevil's Settlement, as it inspires confidence to know that the whole country is acting in union, and with one and the same spirit and purpose. This, as I before observed, is to take Bejar, and drive the military out of Texas before the campaign closes. Respectfully, your obedient servant, S. F. Austin Chairman of Committee


En cumplimto. de la om. de V.S. sali de esla ciudad el dia 27. del po. po. con direccion al Rosillo en donde hice noche, y el 28. en la manana hise jorbada hta. el punlo del carrizo quince leguas delante. El 29. llegue al frente de la ViUa de Gonzales y conforme a la om. oficial de V.S. de 21. del mes citado cuatro leguas antes de Uegar a la Villa anticipe el oficio q. para el Alcalde de Gonzales Uebaba, continue mi marcha y como a dos y media leguas antes de Uegar al Rio, me encontre con los Soldaclos a queines havia mandado con dha. pliego, los q. no pudieron llegar a Gonzales por q. haviendose encontrado con el Soldo. del Alamo Ysabel de la


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