Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

surprised should Bexar hold oul for a long lime- It has been unanimously decided in a council of war with one exception, that it ought not lo be stormed- they have plenty of provisions inside- The corn and country around Bexar might be laid waste, it is true and [illegible] Guadalupe bul this will ruin the inhabitants who are our friends The grass will all be burnt from Rio Grande to ~ Bexar- I shall send parties for this purpose bul the other measures of laying waste the country round Bexar, I think loo hard on the inhabitants- S. F. Austin By Express very important to be sent without delay To the President of the General Consultation of Texas wherever it is in session In the name of Almighty God send no more ardent spirits to this camp- if any is on the road turn it back, or have the head knocked out-

(10891 [BORDEN lo AUSTIN J

San Felipe Nov 5th 1835

Dear Genl.

l would say something of the proceedings of our Conven- tion were it not that you will get the most important transactions in the hand bill of the first days proceedings- Yesterday, however, the day was principally occupied in discussion on the resolution offered by Mr. Wharton appointing a committee "to make a declaration lo the world selling forth the reasons for which we take up arms etc·• Though the discussion was lengthy and animated yet coolness and moderation pervaded throughout the debate. Your opinion as lo what you believed should be the course lo pursue was inlroducr:d as well as several plans all of which were referred to the commillcc! on lite subject. Whatever may he the decision it will be unanimous. :Yly opinion is, however, that a larae majority wiU declare for the prim::iples of the Conslilulion ~f 1824- , Unanimity and good feeling believe: is ll1c order of the day-ancl J trust all will go well.


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