[10871 [SMITHER to AUSTIN]
Gonzelas Nov 4 1835
To The Commander and Cheaf Stephen F. Auston
Dear Sir I Regret lo bee compclcl to address you on such a savage and hostile Conduct as was commild by some of the troops that past this place on yesterday or rather come into the place on yesterday after beeing guilty of all the bad conduct and Language that Sivelize beeing could put up with, after Night there ware a mass Rasecl among them with a young i\fr Lhompson al the head of them ho can bee degnated by nombers of the men and broke open all most Every house in town and Robed aJI that they could Lay ther hands on and such Insults wire never offerd to american women before thire is no tribe of savages of Mexicans Lhal would be guilty of such conduct after working on the boat until 9 or 10 oclock and finding the mob in town Mrs Dickerson ho had been drivin from her house cald on me to go and slay in her house to protect her person and properly after goind· to Bead thiy Entcrcl the house twice by bursting Evry door and window and coming in crowds and dragd me into the Slreats and beat my head Lo a poltice and would have kild me in the most torluring manner for no caws on earth bu L that I was in the house l used Evry means to pascfy them but the wild savage would have adherd with more humility I Refur you to Evry sober and honable man in this place what my conduct has bean as Regards using Every means clay and night to ade and assist Evry man that has past this place and If the authority of this army dos not take some steps to stop such conduct the wild savages would be preferable to the Insults of such Canebols it appears to have the case more or less as for as I can here back I was placed here by your orders and have adhered Lo them strictly clay and night and if Lhcr is nol sum slop pul to it this place will b<'c Intircly abandoned. L. Smither a List ot"damag,~s lhomas R \lilkrs store hroh.cn op,· anil a bout SlOO aml all
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