It is now hoped that every man will maturely study this subject, and make up his mind, a111I act according to the rlictalcs of his own judgement. . A combined effort of all Texas would soon free our soil of Military despots-we should then have peace, for the present Gov of Mexico have too much to do at home to sustain themselves against the attacks of the friends of the constitution of 1824, who are now in arms in Zacatecas and other places, to send another army to Texas. This committee hopes that you will send an ex press to Trinity with copies of this communication, and with the incloscd printed papers. S. F. Austin Chairman of Com. To the Committee of Safety of Harrisburgh
Circular form the Committee of Safety of the Jurisdiction of Austin to the Committee of Nacogdoches and San Augustin. San Felipe de Austin, October 4, I835. War is declared against military despotism. Puhlic opinion has proclaimcrl it with one united voice. The campaign has opened. The military at Bejar has advanced upon Gonzales. General Cos has arrived and threatens to overrun the country. But-on spirit, one common purpose, animates every one in this department, which is lo take Bejar, and drive all the military out of Texas Lefore the campaign closes. There are about three hundred volunteers at Gonzales al this lime, an!I there will be upw,irds of five hundred in a few days. It is confidently believed in this quarter, that the people of the department of Nacogdoches will turn out, and join the A RM Y OF THE PEOPLE, now in the field, and facing the enemy. Arms and ammunition are needed; we have more men than guns. Could not some musket he procured from the other side of the Sal,ine? This Committee will. contribute, and is responsible that the people here will clo the same, lo pay a full proportion of the expense. This is all-important; a few wagon-loads of muskets and fixed ammunition would Le of the utmost service al this time. Could not volunteers also be had from the United Stales? Our
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