Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

further means by private subscriplio11, the liheralily of this committee citizens generally have been already taxed to an extent which would render further solicilation unreasonable. They bea . " further to State that the Receiver Mr. John K. Allen has voluntarily offered to perfom the duties of his office free from charge until the difficulties and dangers with which ,,,e are now threatened be removed. J.A. Newland Seery. Jorge. Anto. Nixon, Sindico Chairman [1086] [S\llTHER to AUSTIN I

Go1m·las ~ov 4 1835

Col S. F Austin

Ucar Sir you have placed me at this pla1:<' to allind lo such mallers as directed with all sober and honest men in this place knows thal l ha,·c allended lo them dav and 11iirh l the companes ., " Lhat is coming 011 when in this place has broken op<>n allmosl Evry house in this place and stoic I 00 dollars or thir aho11 t of \I iller and Treated the wimon uf this place worse than all the comanshee nation could have done and draged me ou l of the house and nearly beat me lo death bccos I was in the house of i\lr Dickerson ho tliiy I have 110 doubt the would have kild if I had 11ol bean there tl,ere is no authority nor people lo punish such people a11cl if the army dosnol protect the people al this plac it must bee l11tircly ahanded by the Jnhabtants \Ir bell can give you a dctale of thcr conduct I ne\'Cr ha\'e been treated so by any beei11g 011 F.arlh If Such people is to be allowd such conduct this section of the country had hetir he given up to the savage the savag1·s have newr been guilty of s11cl1 conduct thirc is a young man in the compcy by· the name uf tl1ompson h,, was the Ring Leader and he is the man and hi!; mob that has nerly kild llH! for nothing on Earth

L. S111itl1cr

[Addrcss<'d: I .l<'ncral Steven F Austen al I-lead ttuarlr


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