Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

inlermcddling with the domestic disputes of olher nations. You arc, therefore, earnestly enjoined, should Lhe con test begin, lo be allcnlive lo all movements of a hostile character, which may lie contemplalcd, or allempled within your dislricl, and lo prosecute, without discrimination, all violations of those laws of the United Stales which have been cnaclccl for the purpose of preserving peace, and of fulfilling the obligations of Lrcalics with foreign powers. lam, sir, your obedient servant,

John Forsyth.

Benjamin F. Linton, Esq.

Sarne to J. Mills, Dislricl Attorney, Boslon. "Wm. M. Price," New York.

" Henry D. Gilpin," Philadelphia. "Natlwn'l Williams," Baltimore. "John Forsyth, Jr." Mobile.

( 1085]


Nacogdoches committee of viligancc and Safety Nov. 4th


To the President and Council of Texas.

This committee beg leave to report to the Council of Texas that they have been waited upon by the commissioners from thal body who have laid before this committee the objects of their mission as slated in the copy of the resolutions now in their possession, Lhey have great pleasure in Stating their entire and cordial approval of said resolutions and their determinations to co-operate with the commissioners in Lhc furlhcrcncc of their views for the general good. They beg further to stale that with the concurn'.ncc of this committee the commissioners of your council haw~ appointed Mr John K. Allen Receiver of public ft11u.ls who will prescnl a monthly Statement of the finances on hand for lhl' information and guidance of your body, but al the same linw deem it necessary lo advice you, that owing lo thl' repeated calls madl' in this place for means lo fit out volunteers for tlw fronlil'r, it will Lw indispcnsihly ncc<~s:;ary lo disburS<\ some proportion of said public funds in this place, as they find it now impo:-..,iblc lo raist\ anv


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