of Dn. V. Gomez Farias, lo be called lo Texas, as the only conslilutional m1Lhoril)' of the Mexican Republic, whose establishmcnl in your country as Lhe Executive of Lhe 11alion, and his call upon his countrymen, will cnevilahly unite Lhe liheral Mexicans, and become supporters of your cause, whereas otherwise the false doctrine propagated by the sallelilcs of the usurper, that Texas had declared ils independence of the Mexican nalion, will make them proscliles lo their own cause. \' ou will discover Mcxia's opinion upon this point, in his leller directed Lo the "Directors Of The Political Affairs Of Texas." If we gel the Moctezuma, as I hope we will, then we will soon form a squadron, lo stop the revenue of the usurper, and culling off his resoures, put him down-at least prevent him from molesting you by sea, along the whole coast from the Sabine to Tuspan, which will be ours. My next, I hope, I will be able lo send you be express, via Matamoros and Goliad, by land. Hoping Lo hear from you shortly, I am, dear sir, yours very truly. Geo. Fisher. P.S.-1 am going in the capacity of "Secretary lo the Expedition." We have some fine officers and me11, about 150 in all. P.S.-Carbajal, Fernando de Leon and Peter Oar, have chartered a vessel, lo leave here in a few days for the "Garcitas" with provisions and merchandize, for family use, as they say.
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Department of Stale, Washington, November 4, 1835. SIR: 1 Lhas become necessary for me Lo call your attention to the probable event of a contest between the different portions of the J\ilexican empire, in the vicinity of the United Stales. Some of our citizens may, from their connection with the sclllers there, and from their enterprise and love of change, be induced lo forget their duty Lo their duty lo their own Government, and ils obligations to foreign power~; but il is th~ fixe~ dclerminalion of Lhe ~xeculive faithfully lo chscharge, so far as 1ls power cxle11cls, all the obligations of Lhc Govcn~mcnl, and more especially Lhal which requires that we shall abslam, under every Lemplalion, from
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