r 10a2 J [DEXTER to HALL]
Convention Room San Felipe de Austin Nov 4th, 1835
Mr. E. I-tall,
Dear Sir,
1 hav~ the pleasure lo announce lo you the approbation by the Cons11llal10n of all Texas in General Convention Assembled of your disposition of the volunteers from our brethren of the No,rth and the greatful sense of obligation to them, in this time of our necessities and danger: and as ordered enclose the resolution of that Honorable body.
Very respectfully, Your Obt Servt. PB Dexter Secretary
[1083 J [FISHER to AUSTIN]
[ Con fidcn Lial J
New Orleans, Nov. 4th, 1835.
Col. S.F. Austin.
l. My Dear Sir - My last respects lo you were per Columbus-this goes per Louisiana. In my last I have informed you of my plan of operations, and now I give you further and more ample advices. We will leave here on the 6th inst. for Tampico, armed and equipped as the circumstances require-where we will find every thing in readiness, and the assistance and co-operation of the steam boal, its establishment al the bar,-the pilot, and 'all, already initialed, and wailing for us. From thence we will proceed lo Matamoros, where likewise everything is provided for, ancl the Moctezuma being in the 13rasos-Santiago (according to the news received this morning, per the schooner Pearl, 6 days from Matamoros) will inevitably fall a prize lo us. The revenue culler Santa Pie, of Aranzas, is run into this port, from the Copano. There arc al present here 7 Mexican vessels in this port, and bound Lo Tampico, Vera Cruz and Campeachy. Ld me again remind you
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