Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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NEW ORLEANS, 4Lh Nov. L835.

To Lhc Officers of Lhc Provisional Govcrnmenl of Texas.

l. The Commillcc of Lhis Ci Ly, on the affair:; of Texas, had Lhe pleasure of addressing you a few lines on Lhc 20th Ocl. Lhrough i\lr. Hall, who accompanied Lhe volunteers, who have gone lo your aid, and whom (aLoul: one hundred and lwenly in all) we hope have before Lhis time prescn Led Lhemsclv,:s where their services will he useful. 2. We now have the furlher pleasure of sending about thirty more, who have been raised in Mobile, and pul under the control of Lhc commillcc here. 3. The conlcmplaled expedition lo be commanded by General Mexia, consisling of about one hundred and fifty men, will sail to-morrow on board the schooner Mary Jane, all well armed and provisioned. Tampico is the place of deslination, which place we have no doubl will be in the possession of the General in a few days. He will communicale with you, after his arrival, by express. 4. We have received and rejoice al the news of the first blow having been struck with success, and we sincerely hope that others equally lriumphanl have followed. IL will give us pleasure to hear from you from Lime to time, and lo continue our feeble aid in whatever way we can-with a view lo which, please command us wilhou l reserve. We have the honor Lo be, with high regard and consideration, your ob'L serv'ls.

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Wm. Christy, Aeling Com James Ramage, mitte.


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