Therefore, We declare and resolve to support the constitution of 1824: We declare and resolve that we arc not the agg~·essors, and that it is our duty lo defend our unalicnal,lc rights aga111st all who allcmpt to subvert our liberties, although citizens of the same country. We declare & resolve that we arc not at war with the incxicm1 constitution, as we have understood it & sworn to support it, or with the mcxican people. We declare and resolve that we are at war and fight against the usurper, Santa Anna, and all who unite and confederate with, aid, support and advise, or council with him in his unjust and tyranical measures for destroying the established government and all rights guaranteed to the citizens or colonists. ., We declare & resolve that we fight for the re-establishment of the constitution and our rights, thus invaded, and wantonly destroyed, as far as power extends. We declare and resolve, that we will never while a free American can raise a weapon in Texas, suffer its soil lo be polluted l>y the Usurper, or his myrmadons, and that we will trust lo our arms, a just cause-the sympathy and justice of nations, and our omnipotent god, for certain success in all we claim. We resolve and declare, that we particularly invite our fellow citizens of Texas, of the department of Bexar, to send delegates to this consultation, at its next meeting, and that they in the mean time be invited to unite in the participation and support of a provisional government, until circumstances require further action. We declare and resolve that a provisional government with certain and defined powers be organized, to continue until the reassembling of this convention at a future clay. We declare and resolve that we arc for the foregoing reasons, at war with Santa Anna & his supporters, and that civil war in the Mexican Republic, now exists, and we claim all the rights of this character of belligerents, from our enemies, & from all the civilized nations of the earth- The prccceding is respectfully submitted lo the Honorable the consultation of all Texas in general convention assembled by D. C. 13,;rrctl Delegate from the jurisdiction of Mina.
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