San Felipe November 4th, .1835
The Americans arc a free and thinking people, and consider
all governments as originating from, & made for the people- 2d. 1824-& the laws subsequently made. 3rd. The violation of this constitution and Laws, and the attempt to subvert them by a Military Diclalor, and the consequent determination to subject our citizens against their will or consent lo another form of government, are the reasons for our resistance and for resorting to arms. This determination is exempliefied-lst. By attempting forcibly to adopt a central form of government, contrary lo the provisions of the constitution of 1824- 2nd. By attempting to subject the civil lo the military powers- 3rd. By establishing fortifications & sending military forces to compel obedience to a form of governn1ent & laws made without the consent of the people. · 4th By demanding our citizens, charged with civil offences, lo be surrendered to military commandants. 5th By annoying, and endeavoring to destroy our lrade. 6th. By arresting and confining the civil Governor and Legislature of our independent slate. 7th. By threatening to unsettle and annul land titles made & guaranteed by the constitution & laws of the Mexican Republic. 8th. By threatening to drive the colonists from their homes, who have settled as Mexican citizens by express invitation of the government, & guaranteed by the constitution. 9th. And by many acts indicating a determined hostility to all the colonists and to destroy all confidence in constitutional protection, and all natural rights of ~ur citizens.. We fight to preserve our rights (thus mvaded) un~er the Such a government is contemplated by the constitution of constitution & laws and lo put down the usu_rped pow":r which h~s trampled them under _foot, and rcsto~c the I uJI operat10n of their provisions & the estabhshmcnt of our rights. .. . We fight to esta~)lish unchangeably our lu.lelttr to t_he t ·t 1· d la,\'S ,vluch we have sworn lo support, and umle cons , u 1011 an , . - • · h · 1 I f · d. f Li"i)crty among mex1can fellow c1t1zens m t e wit 1 t 1c ricn s o same glorious object.
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