what is worse lhan all againsl whal has hecn considered cold11css a11d lardi11ess i11 sending oul rcinforccmc11ts.- I repeal Bexar can nol be taken witho11L 1000 men al Lhc very leasl and lhc balleri11~ canno11 of which l have spoken [The men now lu~re'? I ca11 1 Lhink he kept here Lill rcc11forccmcnts arrive- Those who have lcfl have all promised to rclurn. 1t is to be hoped Lhcy will have sufficic11l palriolism Lo do so. I have authorized and do authorize Lhe Convcnlion Lo morlgagc all my cslalc if necessary for the public service 1 have dispalched the Adjulanl Gc11l Warren D C Jlall and my Aid de camp Colo. P. W. Grayson for_Lite purpose of bringi11g oul rcc11forccmcnls- Slopping the false and silly rumors Lhal lhcy arc unnecessary and bringing in Lhc large Cannon with round sho't and men lo work Lhcm. I have furlher to inform you Lhal Lherc is no medicine in camp-and so far as I am i11formed, no11e on the way- There arc no surgical inslrumcnls nor bandages, nor malcrials for making lint, nor anything else Lo provide for the sick and wounded.- I hope Lltey will be sent immedialely-as also Lhal additio11al physicians will come oul with the recnforccmenls. I have Lhc salisfaclion lo inclosc you a Delailcd rcporl of the Capts. of the cngagcme11 ls of the 28Lh.- The aclion so brilliant in its results proves our grcal superiority lo the enemy when they come oul from behind their walls- I last night received dispalches informing me of Lhc gallanl Army of palriols who have volunteered and arc volunlecring from Orleans- I have ordered the ~apl [al] Goliad Lo march here- This news is cheering and has [raised Lhe spirits! of !he army very much- ! have to req11csl thal no whysky be sent with supplies lo the camp- Ink Paper and wafers arc much wanted S. F. Austin ComdL-·in Chief- By order W DC Hall AdjL and lnspt-Gcnl.
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