Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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of.-..the above resolution he handed lo Mr. Hall One Lo be retained by himself the other to be by him presented Lo Lhe Commillcc on the affairs of Texas, of New Orleans. B. T. Archer Pres Test. PB Dexter, Sec. [1079] [AUSTIN lo PRESIDENT of CONSULTATION J

Head Quarters)½ miles above Bexar Nov 4. 1835--

~To The President of The Consult;tion of Texas

[I] heard by Mr Mosley Baker that the opinion is prevalent among the people in that part of the country that no more rein- forcements are necessary and that Bexar will be taken before rein- forcements can reach here- On this subject I have to assure you I am decidedly of opinion that without very strong reenforcements Bexar can not be taken nor with them without battering Cannon and from one to two hundred round shots for battering down walls- The enemv has sixteen Cannon mounted of various calibre up to 18 pounds-from 6 lo 8 more that will be mounted in a few days- They have plenty of provisions and about 700 men- In the last few days more than 150 men have left this camp to return home for winter clothing and other purposes, so that the effective force is only about_45Q__ll'!en after deducting the sick- This force, it is known to all,·•s but undisciplined militia and in some respects of very discordant materials- The officers from the Commander in chief down are inexperienced in military service- With such a force Bexar can not be effectuaJly invested- All that can be, has been done- The enemy have been beaten and driven within their walls, with loss in every instance where they have made sorties- At the Concepcion they were defeated by Colo. Bowie and Capt. Fanning, with the loss of 1 Cannon and 70 men killed wounded and missing Our army has so far done wonders- It has confined a superior force within strongly fortified walls- It has beaten the enemy in every contest and not a day asses without skirmishing within the reach of the cnemys grape p · II f . . I . l _ IL has struggled agamst a manner o pr1vaL1ons and s io . . 1· d t· d. . sufferings, against want of c.lisctp me, esser 1011, 1senllon, and


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